
Thursday, January 28, 2010

As this cartoon shows, no one knows who, or in this case what, is behind a computer. People can pretend to be who they want to be. When anyone, teens especially, log on to an account, they must remember to take extreme precautions is what vital and personal information they put out on the world wide web. A so called 17 year old guy who sounds like the one you've always dreamed about could be a 43 year old man with a wife and children. Children every day make the mistake of believing someone on the other side of the screen, sometimes even going to the lengths of meeting them. Generally, if not careful, the person you imagined will not be the one to show up. Younger individuals are more likely to be less precaution and need to be watched more closely. Some give out names, phone numbers, and addresses; such personal information should remain private unless approved by a parent or a confirmation of the individual is made. All in all, watch what you post and be careful of who you talk to.


  1. Great job, Katie! It creeps me out to think of online predators trolling around the cyber world. Be smart, be safe!

  2. Thanks Katie!You are provide a interesting way of internet safety.It is very impressive.
