
Saturday, December 31, 2011

*insert corny title referring to this being my "goodbye 2011, hello 2012" blog*

2011, 2011, 2011. Let's be cliche for a minute. "2011, we've had our ups and downs, but in the end I'm thankful for everything that has been dealt to me. Bring on the new year!" Alright, now that that's over.. let's get down to business.
2011 has, in fact, been a year of ups and downs, but it's been far more than that. I have grown up so incredibly much in the past 365 days I can barely believe it myself. Where shall we begin? January, I suppose.
I don't remember much about January. The only thing that stands out to me is starting my second semester of college; readjusting to being away from home. February is when my world got twist-turned upside down. *Thank you Will Smith*
I had a high school sweetheart, in fact if you'd asked me this time last year; I'd tell you I would marry him one day. February is when he broke my heart. Maybe worse than broke, shattered, my heart. In my devastation I cried myself to sleep multiple nights, ate anything that wasn't glued down, and found myself distracted beyond belief in my classes. There was one specific time though, that changed everything. One night I was crying my eyes out, sat up in bed and just cried out to the Lord; let everything I was feeling out to Him. After that 2a.m. prayer, I never cried myself to sleep over him again. God showed me this was all apart of His plan, that this break-up was a blessing in disguise.
March was a month of change for me. Trying to put my heartbreak behind me, I filled my time completely. This is the month I actually started hanging out at BCM afterwards instead of rushing back to my dorm to get to sleep. Becoming social past 10:15 may have been the best decision I made all year.
Along with BCM, I started hanging out at the campus radio station, WMUL, more and more. This is where I met some of my now closest friends as well as the bestfriend I'd been praying for for such a long time. She is amazing. I've never seen someone with more determination or more strength (in all aspects) than her. God really blessed me when he put Laura in my life, she was the girl I'd always wanted by my side, to be my "bff". The two of us combined with Caitie became inseparable, earning us the nickname "Three's Company".
As we proceed...
the spring semester began to wind down BCM introduced an opportunity called "beachweek". Though I hadn't gotten extremely close to anyone yet, I (with Laura and Caitie agreeing to go as well, of course) decided to dive in and go. Second best decision I made in 2011.
Two short weeks after donating 10inches of my hair to Locks of Love, and 3 days after semester ended, I was on a road trip to Myrtle Beach with Caitie, Laura, and a caravan of other Jesus lovin' students. I had no idea how much my life was going to change in the next week.
Beachweek opened my eyes to a completely different side of Christ. I'd grown up the "good-girl", the "church-girl", or my personal favorite; "goody-two-shoes", but I'd never realized the relationship aspect. Beachweek was the week I started to truly fall in love with Christ.
Flip-flops, shorts, and tan-lines led me into Summer 2011.
Those three months flew by as I put in almost full-time hours at Sunglass Hut. I loved my job, though. I got to witness to customers, put smiles on peoples' faces, and of course; make extra money for the approaching school year. Aside from working, I spent summer making trips back and forth to Huntington, hanging out with my sister and her family, and going to my fair share of baseball games with my momma. I couldn't have asked for a better break from school. When the fun and cash flow ended, I welcomed fall semester with open arms.
This past semester was hands down the highlight of my year. I cannot even begin to describe all the wonderful events that have occurred these past few months. Here's a few things that stick out: co-leading my absolutely incredible iteam! BCM <3 the j-school, being door girl for UpLate, first airplane ride, going on a Disney Cruise, deciding it was the time for me to finally get baptized, growing closer to so many people, learning to cook (with the help of a gal who means so much to me in such little time, Kelsi), realizing every single day how blessed I am, changing my major to one that I should have been since I started college; one that makes my heart beat, conquering my struggle with food, growing closer to my dad, and above all else, letting go and letting God take over EVERY aspect of my life.
In the midst of all this, I can't leave out what is literally one of the most life-changing things that has ever happened to me. A little over a month ago, I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder called Celiac's Disease. I plan to write a blog completely dedicated to it considering how many questions I've gotten in regards to my posts about being gluten-free or jokingly referring to myself as a "celiac", but long story short; it has completely altered the way I live every single day. In the midst of that, I praise God for the changes. I am so honored that He knows He can rely on me to use something of this nature for His glory; that I'm strong enough to handle the lifestyle I now lead. That my friends leads me to the present.
Right now, I couldn't tell you what the next 12 months holds for me. I know within the next 48hours I'll be participating in the experience of a lifetime: Passion 2012. Interested? Click here. Other than that, I'll be going through the motions; seeing what God has in store for me. If it's anything like the changes He's put in my life in the past year, I cannot wait to see how close I grow to Him. I've never craved His word, craved His love, or adored His grace more than I do now. With Him on my side, there's no telling where I could be this time next year. With all of it, to His glory. May God bless

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