
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Aunt T Times Three!

Nothing is more precious than a newborn baby. That being said, I'm extremely confident in saying there is no cuter, or more precious of a newborn out there right now than my new nephew. Monday my sister blessed me with my third nephew; I could never thank her enough.
Monday after finishing up at the gym, I proceeded with the usual check-in with mom to let her know I was safe (you'd still think I was the newborn that their mother hadn't cut the cord you mom! wouldn't have it any other way!) and what I would be embarking on on my day off. The response she gave me made me squeal so loud you'd think Michael Buble had just gotten in my passenger side. I learned that it was a strong possibility my sister could have her baby that very day! I composed myself, made it home, and then proceeded to sit on standby in case my assistance was needed. Shortly after, I received a phone call from Sis, asking me to come up to her house in case she'd have to leave for the hospital. Meaning I'd have my hands full with two boys; one freshly turned two and one a month and a half shy of five. Wowzers. But I was up for the challenge.
To make a long story short, we'll fast forward to 7:14pm that day. The minute my precious nephew entered this world. If you're not aware of the date he was born, it was 7.11.11. Cool right? Even Slurpees on his birthday! every. year.
Yesterday was the first time I met him and got to hold him. Ohmygoodness he is seriously the cutest baby I have ever seen. Not that my first two nephews weren't, but he is just so stinkin' cute! From his head full of dark hair, to his round face, to his long toes; I just didn't want to let him go.
I could go on and on about how much I love him already, but the person who should be taking the spotlight is my sister. Once again, she's a subject I could write an entire novel on, but I'll sum it up briefly for the sake of this blog. MY. SISTER. IS. AMAZING. Not only is she one of the most Godly women I know, she wins the "stay-at-home mommy of the past 5 years" award and is practically Wonder Woman. If you were to have a perfect balance of God, love, family time, discipline, and manners in a family, that is what she strives for and achieves. Not saying my nephews are angels, good grief they're boys, they're rotten as all get out sometimes; but I listened to my almost five-year-old nephew bless his and his little brother's dinner on Monday night. How incredible is that?
Needless to say, I am an extremely blessed, happy, and thankful aunt right now. Another nephew for me to hold, witness his milestones, and eventually hear him yell "T!!!!!" when I walk out of his sight. My family continues to grow and I can't wait to see what each of those boys become. One thing is for certain, they will become men of God, but how will they be called to show it?
I can't wait to see what their futures hold. My sister is one fine, outstanding woman, I can't thank her enough for what she has provided me with. And not to leave my equally incredible brother-in-law out; he provides and takes care of my sister and nephews like every man should. What a family I have to look up to as an example. I become more blessed each and every day.

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