
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Who Cares about Wrapping Paper, Anyways?

If beauty is in the eye of the beholder...then why don't we all see ourselves as the beautiful people we are? I have and continue to struggle with accepting body image and considering myself beautiful, and I know I am FAR from the only one. Society puts so much pressure on each of us; especially as females, to look a certain way. In reality, those Victoria's Secret models? They don't even look that good. And I'm sure if you ask each one of them what insecurity they have, they'd name it instantly.
I received one of my daily Victoria's Secret e-mails yesterday and it really ground my gears. I know better, that the way those gals look was created mainly by Photoshop and airbrushing; but what about the 12-year-old who sees the advertisements for Aerie as she's going to buy her first bra? She doesn't know better; and that advertisement is inadvertently teaching her at such a young age that she needs to look like that. Not only are they brainwashing young girls, but the young boys that see them as well. While growing up and being exposed to such ads, even in family friendly atmospheres such as the shopping mall, they will begin to think real women look like those in the pictures.
I'm not bashing advertisements; heck I'm an ad major at this point in time, but rather infuriated by our society. Since when did beautiful mean a size 00, with toned abs, and rail thin limbs? Sure, that type of body can be beautiful; but so can a size 24+ full-figured woman. We just have to redirect our thoughts in believing that we are beautiful; no matter what.
Sometimes, I wish I could take more of my own advice. I know when I'm sweating my butt off at the gym and don't indulge in the delicious pretzel burger at Fat Patty's I so desperately am craving, it's because I want to look my best. Every girl wants to feel attractive, especially in opinion of the opposite sex. But there comes a point in which each of us has to accept what we were blessed with as a body.
God created each of us as a vision of Himself. Therefore, even we roll out of the bed; no make-up, bedhead, and morning breath, He thinks we are beautiful. Because we are. We might be a few pounds over what we'd like to see on the scale, or maybe a zit the size of Jupiter popped up right on the tip of our nose during the night, but we.are.beautiful. I can't stress that enough. The more of us that realize this, the happier and healthier we can be.
A couple weeks ago I started a new routine. This routine consists of: waking up, looking in the mirror, and telling myself "I am beautiful". At first I didn't believe it. The flaws I'd concentrated on so hard; most that no one else would probably even care to notice, would pop out at me as I was "lying" to myself. As the days progressed, my confidence rose. I started to believe my "lie" and would walk out of the house knowing I was beautiful because He made me that way. Granted, the days where I feel as attractive as the Hunchback of Notre Dame still come (one was yesterday), but those feelings fade and soon I'm back on track with my new found streak of confidence.
To sum it all up: never forget how beautiful you are. And if you're worried about your appearance in sake of finding a relationship; throw that out the window. There's someone out there meant to love you for you, not for how you'd look as the center fold of a magazine. The way we look is small compared to what lies within us. I mean, who honestly cares about what the wrapping paper on a present looks like? The gift on the inside is what counts. Love what God gave you; and everyone else will come to love it, and you, as well.

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